The PCOS Workouts - Gym Edition

USD 49.99

Say goodbye to slogging it on the treadmill and not getting results or dreading your next workout, this 12 week comprehensive training program is split into three phases so that you can set the foundations and build upon your strength and ability as you progress, focusing on an ideal combination of strength and resistance training and H.I.I.T based workouts- yes you can H.I.I.T if you have PCOS, I teach you how to do it in a way that maximises fat burn while keeping your cortisol in check for better balanced hormones. The structure is specifically designed to help you build lean muscle to support your hormones, while learning to balance your workouts with adequate recovery and active rest.

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Being a GYM based program, this does require you to have access to a gym or studio, all workouts do however require minimal equipment and the use of machines is kept to a minimum.

You will learn to listen to your body allowing you to put in the work when it allows and to pull back when it doesn't, this flexibility is what makes this program like no other and is crucial to the success and maintainability of your exercise.

*This is a gym based program so you will need access to a studio near you. Being a gym goer myself I know how it can be daunting and challenging at times to get equipment and space, so I have kept the need to use machines to a minimum and only when it’s truly beneficial/necessary. You’ll mostly need dumbbells, kettlebell, barbell, bench and a mat.